• Amelia

    InJanuary 2016, I was trodden into the ground by fibromyalgia, and had fallen down stairs and hurt several ribs. I had ended an abusive (alcohol, verbal, emotional, physical, and financial) marriage the year before and my kids were wounded by it all and I needed to be able to help them and myself.
    Since starting on the VIP transformation programme I have lost a few pounds, but lost nearly 5 inches and gone down a dress size.

    The most amazing thing for me though is that I come in from work each night and do something. A brisk walk with the dog, or a work out with a mate.

    None of this was possible last January.
    I haven't had a fibro crash since I started this programme! over 6 months!
    I can identify when it is going to happen. I now have the tools to stop it.
    I am starting to lose the weight.
    I am full of energy now and will spend that energy well
    Thank you so much to Jack for patiently and steadily working out why I was in such a mess, and helping me to understand how to break free.
    And thank you so much to all the group. You have no idea how much you all helped me with your emojes and comments, especially as I couldn't take part in the groups....
    Will miss you all.
    Take care and continue to be amazing. xxx

  • Ann

    ‘I never thought I would be free from the pain!’

    Before starting the sessions I was training for the great north run but suddenly became unable to raise my left leg without pain or sit for any length of time and had to stop all my gym and running activities.

    I was worried about how much was it going cost to get fixed and wasn’t sure how Jack’s sessions could help.

     Between sessions I have been doing exercises at home and whist at work which helped to relieve the pain .

    Now I am virtually pain free I hope I can resume my gym activities, golf and crack on with training for the great north run.
    I never thought I would be free from the pain!

  • Diane

    I was out of action for 18 months, due to a slipped disk, surgery and recovery time, things were much better but I still had issues with pain in my foot and a loss of feeling in my calf.

    I wanted to get back on my fitness wagon but part of me feels I may have caused my slipped disk by not doing things properly, so I wanted professional advice.

    The pain in my foot has almost disappeared and the feeling and sensation in my calf has come back

    I’ve learnt about my self and understand myself more over the last few weeks, Thanks to Jack.

    I rarely get pain in my foot now, its gone from being the main focus of my day to day life, to me reminding myself that I had pain and then smiling when I realise its not there.

    I came to the studio thinking I was going to start some kind of exercise program, to build up my back and be shown how to do things properly and not injure myself, with the advice and guidance of a personnel trainer, I had put the pain in my foot down to part of the recovery process, however after speaking to me and watching me walk, you picked up on something I had no idea was happening, so I’ve had some sessions with you over the last few months and I can’t believe the difference you've made to the pain I was in, so a big thank you for that :))

    So I'm almost ready to start running again.

  • Rich

    Completed an 8 week program losing 24lb and over 9 inches waist and hips combined, more importantly I feel great, stuck to the food side of things about 80% of the time, continuing with a maintenance program, fully recommend, cheers Jack.

  • Jo

    After having back surgery i was unsure of what I could do about exercising as i was still in pain. I Felt down in myself and was not able to carry out what was needed

    Now, 6 weeks on i Feel a lot better in myself the stiffness and pain i had is loads better and lost weight which is a bonus.

    The exercise's i was given for my back have helped me and are the reason i can now do what i do.

    I've lost weight (over half a stone) and inches, my sleep is better and my fitness seems to be better too.

    I feel like a different person from starting. Have more energy and feel better all round :)

  • Charlie

    I feel more confident in my ability to get on with normal everyday life!

    “I had back pain most of the time often causing me to have to sit down after only walking a very short distance.

    I was worried that there would be no change at all and the program could be a waste of money!

    I have not completely 100% lost my back and hip pain but I now have a great deal more movement than when I started the course and feel that if I keep up the exercises that I can only improve more!

    I feel more confident in my ability to get on with normal everyday life!

    My golf has improved at lot! But I would say that I am not yet competing for all 18 holes losing concentration as the round goes on, as I am concentrating on managing my back and hips”


  • Dawn

    "Before I started the sessions I was literally in agony with my right foot. We went on a walking holiday to the Lake District in june and it started hurting after the long walking sessions.
    It then gradually got worse up until about october when it just seemed to hurt every day as soon as I got up. I couldn't put my foot down on the floor when I got out of bed and found that I had to walk on my toes for a while until I could put my heel down and attempt to try and walk on it. I also found that I was walking on the outside of my foot which led to pains in the bottom half of my leg as if it was twisting. I was in constant pain.

    I knew that I had to get it sorted out as I couldn't go on with the daily pain that I was in. Was unsure whether I should go to the Dr or if it would be better to go to someone who dealt with foot problems and had mentioned it to a friend at training.
    A couple of weeks later, my friend recommended that I try Jack Sullivan as she had been to him regarding a problem that she had with her back (though I think it turned out was with her hips). She had been to a couple of his sessions and told me that he was really good and it was helping. I had nothing to lose and when she forwarded me the details, I got in contact.


    Was a bit sceptical after first meeting after being told that after 4 sessions I should be pain free, especially as at the third session my foot was really sore as we had been running in bootcamp the night before. But I did the 'homework' I was given after each session and gradually the pain quickly seemed to reduce to just one specific spot on my heel. The day after my third session (when it had hurt so much) I couldn't believe it as the pain had gone. The rest of that day was pain free and the next day all I had was a slight pull under my arch when I was walking the dog.

    Since completing all the sessions I can honestly say that i've hardly noticed any pain. If I know i'm training or going out walking, i'll do some stretching exercises I was given before I start and if it does feel as though my foot is pulling under the arch, or if I can feel my heel starting to hurt, I just make sure I do the stretches again afterwards when I get back in and it's working so far!
    It's hard to explain - You take walking for granted, you don't even think about it, but when it's causing you constant agony every day, every time you try and put your foot down on the floor it brings you down. I'm so glad I got in touch and can't thank you enough."

  • Natalie

  • Ron

    ‘My Parkinson’s has improved in many ways, I am walking better, My Balance is better and I am pain free' all in 4 weeks'

    I was really down and feeling low as the pain wouldn’t go from my back, Jack was highly recommended to me by a dog walker I know, and I ended up coming up that same day. On meeting Jack I felt at ease straight away and couldn’t wait to start the sessions! My Parkinson’s has improved in many ways, I am walking better, My Balance is better and I don’t shake as much as you can tell from writing this. My Back feels a lot better and I am out of pain and able to do my chores again. We had a little blip when I had some hip pain and Jack was away on holiday and I was in pain every day.

    I did try some of the moves Jack had give me but none gave me any relief.I was never so glad when Jack came back and rang me up to come and see him.We had a real good session and I learned a lot from that session.I am pain free in both my hip and back and that is all down to you Jack.

    Coming to see Jack was the best thing I ever did!

  • Christine

    Before i started i felt A bit depressed. No self confidence. A bit disillusioned with physical appearance and emotional state of mind. I had been made redundant March 2017 and after my husband passed away in Sept 2015 I felt as though I was on the scrap heap and was a nobody. I felt that if I had help to tackle my weight and get fitter I would feel better emotionally and mentally. I was not sleeping well and under a lot of stress with family commitments which I did not realise at the time was contributing to how I was feeling overall.

    It took 3 attempts to come through the door of the studio. I was worried I would be judged and this would be a long lonely journey. The thought of joining a fitness class with other people was quite daunting.

    Over the past 5 months I feel like a changed person. I have not lost as much weight as I thought I would have done but that is my fault. I am fitter and in a better place mentally. I now make time for me each day and do something I enjoy. I am more confident and embrace different challenges within the family more calmly. I joined group sessions over the last month and thoroughly enjoyed them.

    One to one sessions has been the most help. It challenged me to do things I never thought I could do.  My fitness pal app helped to keep the calories on track and I continue to use it every day. The on line video demonstrations were a great help an I tried most of them and continue to do some of them on a regular basis. I have also reduced my blood sugar levels to within normal range attributed to a regular exercise routine and also lost a lot inches from my midsection.

    I am continuing with 20 minutes cardio every morning  and evening, aqua fit twice a week, walking when the weather is fine. I definitely have more energy and feel good. When I loose more weight I will feel even better and I am determined to stay on track.

    Thank you Jack for helping to change my life. To help me understand that I am important and not to feel guilty about putting me first.

  • Edyta

    Before starting I was struggling with motivation to become healthy and i suffered with depression which restricted me from doing, I was lethargic and had low self esteem.

    Because of my low confidence in myself, I didn't believe that I was able to achieve what I now have.

    I found happiness in loving how i look and how i felt and finally enjoyed my life and how i looked. I found motivation to finally go shopping and buy clothing that I liked, whereas before I dreaded the thought because of how I looked. Even my family have noticed a change in my behaviour and attitude after my transformation.

    I have lost just under 40lbs and got rid of 10.1 inches from my midsection!

    I have more motivation to look after my wellbeing and I eat much more healthily, but I can still understand the importance of sugar in my diet and i am able to treat myself, without being too restrictive.

    I am more fit, have more energy to do ordinary things and the main result is how my depression has become easier to handle.

    I highly recommend JS-PT Health Studio as it has helped to me to grow and change my life for the better. Many thanks

  • Natasha

    "I feel like a different person"

    I was feeling really down and depressed about my lack of fitness and always feeling tired and lethargic before starting.

    I was worried of being so unfit compared to everyone else

    I've discovered now how much I love exercise and how amazing I feel through exercising and being more conscious of what I put in my body.

    Whats Helped? ..... Knowing that the classes are in high demand so I couldn't back out of a booking even if I was feeling particularly tired one day.  Also, how ,duh better I felt afterwards on those days where I didn't feel quite up to it. Also, the food informations and meal plans, my eating has totally altered from before I started the programme as has my sleep and alcohol consumption.


    Whilst I haven't lost a huge amount in weight, my body looks totally different. My clothes fit better or are too big, my stomach has massively toned up along with my arms and legs. I have more energy and stopped suffering with a painful back/hip.

    I'm sleeping better (when I don't have a dodgy shoulder!) and my energy and mood is so much better. I quite literally feel like a different person.

    I love the holistic all round approach that you have created to improving your health. It's not just about getting fit or losing weight, it's about diet, support, getting more sleep, feeling healthier and more energetic and I love the group support in the VIP group from all the other ladies.  It keeps you motivated.  Thank you for the opportunity to change myself for the better and to improve not only my health but my mental wellbeing. X

  • Laura

    Wedding dress challenge complete...

    Before starting, I Lacked in exercise and motivation. Unhappy with my health, body shape and levels of confidence. Felt afraid to sign up to any gym. No real knowledge of food and what’s best to fuel your body. I also had a huge fear of joining any class/gym due too feeling as if id be ‘on show’ and looking stupid in front of others.

    Once overcoming the initial fear of starting sessions I immediately felt at ease, encouraged and supported. I no longer see gym/classes as something I 'should' do for better health but as something I want to do and something I enjoy. A lifestyle change!

    Advice, encouragement and support from jack and the team has helped, but also the backing of other women within the programmes. Classes are instructed so you are sure that the moved/exercises you are doing are right for your end goal.

    I’m now definitely aware of my increased fitness. My body shape has altered and i'm much more comfortable and confident about my shape. I lost inches, weight and body

  • Shaer

    I was struggling with motivation. I know i needed to do exercise but i couldnt be bothered and i was conscious of other peoples perceptions i.e. If i was slow or couldn’t keep up

    I was worried That i would make excuses not to come to the studio because it might be too hard. That others might think i was slow and unfit

    I dont really care what anyone else thinks as i know i am on a good path and am doing well. I enjoy doing exercise and want to do more. I eat much more veg, especially green leafy veg. I know the importance of eating clean

    What has kept me going is being part of a small, discrete friendly group that is fun and welcoming rather than feeling i was on my own. Eating more of the right food and discovering sweet potato roasted chips

    Ive lost weight because my clothes are looser but I’m not particulary bothered what i weigh

    My fitness has massively improved and has spurred me to join a triathlon club and take triathlons seriously rather than as a bit of fun

    My energy levels are high and my goal is not to lose that

    Ive really enjoyed the programme, its changed my mindset. At the start of the programme you said that after 12 weeks i will be equipt with the tools to go it alone. I was sceptical of this but i totally believe now that i can

  • Claire

    I joined the studio back in November 2019 and since then I’ve been on quite a journey.

    To date I’ve lost 13lbs but I’ve also gained strength, stamina and a totally different mindset.

    Prior to joining the studio, I’d never done regular exercise and always ‘thought’ that I didn’t really need to. I’d always ate healthily and was quite happy to carry a few extra pounds. However, the extra pounds seemed to be increasing and I also noticed that my anxiety levels were high in general.

    My one to one with Jack was a positive experience and I agreed to sign up for the 21 day challenge which involved attending sessions and tracking my food intake. Needless to say, I lost weight and was happy with my results.

    Fast forward to March 2020 and I was now a member of the VIP group and was still continuing to lose weight and gain strength.

    Then Covid struck and attending sessions at the studio was no longer an option. I stuck with it and began participating in the online sessions. I also signed up for the couch to 5k which was a huge thing for me because I’d never imagined myself as a runner!!!

    I completed the challenge and kept Jack updated each week by sending him photos of me looking very sweaty and red once I’d done my run!

    Coming out of lockdown has been fine. I’ve enjoyed being back at the studio which is immaculate and a very safe environment to work out in.

    I now organise my week and plan ahead which ALWAYS involves exercise. If I can’t make a class, I go for a walk or run. It just seems such a very normal thing to do. I can’t imagine not exercising. Jack, Kate and the team have kept me motivated throughout this experience.

    If I’d been left to my own devices, I would have definitely given up and sabotaged all the hard work that I had achieved in the beginning. This still counts for me now. I appreciate the weekly check ins and feel a valued member of the studio. A massive thank you to Jack and Kate :)

  • Chel

    Before is started my transformation i was Tired, lacked confidence and miserable in myself.

    I knew i needed to change my diet and lifestyle which was causing my blood sugar to rise, which was being monitored by GP. This scared me and pushed me to change.

    At first I Thought I wouldn’t see results and I’d get bored. I was scared I would get bored and give up, like every other diet I've tried.

    I have enjoyed the exercise and making new recipes, which taste lovely! Also liked the fact I could still have naughty foods now and then but didn’t effect my results.

    I feel more energised and confident wearing fitted clothes. I now look at food in a different way and take time to read ingredients on labels.

    I have Lost 13 lbs, 10.40% body fat and a 6.2 inches from my waist and hips lost so I can now fit into a size 10 FITTED dress I couldn’t fit in previously.

    I was dubious at first and didn't believe Jack when he said he will help me reach my goals. I have learnt a lot during 12 weeks and really appreciate the time and effort the team put in to helping me.

  • Jayne

    3 months after having a baby I was feeling extremely tired and unfit. My joints hurt walking up the stairs. My skin was patchy and pigmented. I had very little energy. I was having B12 injections every month and prescription iron tablets. My figure was out of shape and not toned.

    I was worried I would be too unfit to do the sessions as I hadn’t exercised in a while

    I have completely changed my life and perspective. I feel energetic every day and have managed to return to work and still have energy to do night feeds and get up at 6am each day. I'm fit enough to do an 11 mile tuff nutz which I would never have dreamed of doing 12 weeks ago. My skin has cleared and I no longer need injections or iron tablets. I fit into my clothes and feel confident in a bikini just 6 months after having a baby which is amazing. My figure is defined and toned. I've also got a much clearer idea on what to eat and regularly plan meals which helps the whole family and also saves money.

    Support from my family has honestly helped me the most. Bad days when I don't want to train or eat well we're made better when lived ones kept encouraging me. It really helped to get regular resources from the programme such as emails and videos to keep me going.

    I lost over a stone, just over 5 inches from around my waist and hips and nearly 10% body fat in 12 weeks.

    The programme has really changed my life- at the best time of my life. I would recommend it to anyone wanting to make a change in their goals today.

  • Nicky

    Over a stone and a holiday!

    Before i started I felt fat & sluggish and the more I tried to lose weight the more I put on. Didn't have the energy to run around with the kids.

    I had fears that I wouldn’t be able to keep up with the rest of the class & meeting a group of people that I didn’t know.
    Now, I have met a wonderful group of ladies, and I now have a lot more energy and am totally enjoying exercising which has shocked me!!

    Jack and the team has helped me the most by showing me where I was going wrong with what I was eating & that I wasn’t eating enough. The girls have been very supportive as well.
    I now weigh over a stone less,dropped 3 dress sizes, have dropped inches from my waist and I’m in bed by 10.15 at the latest!! I'm able to cope with stress better after being shown breathing exercises & my fitness levels have greatly improved. I can run circles around the youngsters in work now!!
    I have thoroughly enjoyed my time & will be signing up for longer as now I know it works it's worth every penny that I have paid!! Looking forward to more good results. Massive thank you for so far.

  • Tricia

    I was completing a limited amount of exercise and my nutrition wasn't terrible but needed closer attention before starting.

    My biggest issues were pain to my shoulder and my own state of mind!

    I was concerned about my own commitment and sustaining motivation whilst doing this.

    I'm pain free in my shoulder. I have a greater awareness about what constitutes good nutrition. I have lost a considerable amount of weight, toned up and feel fitter. My mental health has also improved despite going through some personally challenging times.

    Both the personal training sessions and the small group sessions were great. The combination of both allowed for tailored training while benefitting from motivation from other ladies with the same aims in mind. You don’t get lost in a big class of people but you never feel like you're the only one which has happened to me when I use a PT before.

    I lost a stone and a half in weight.

    I am able to manage stress more effectively.

    I am generally more motivated to be active than I was.

    I no longer have shoulder pain.

    I’m fitter than I was

    This has been a great experience for me. I think the concept is quite unique and definitely one which allows for long-term effective results. 

    I really appreciated the holistic approach to my physical and mental well-being. 

    Thank you for everything you did for me, I'll be badgering you to open up a similar studio on the Wirral! Will need some help again once I've had this baba! 


  • Sharon

    Before starting i had a lack of motivation and energy did not sleep through the night and my eating was all over the place not eating the right foods.

    I was worried about giving up after starting and feeling alone once I left the sessions.

    But now I have more confidence, lots of energy and my body has changed shape with a loss of 8inches with all the support given in and out of the studio.  I am managing my anxiety levels sleeping and overall health i have also changed my attitude towards food choices.

    My results? I hit my Goal, I am Sleeping better, Inches dropped, less stress and steady weight loss and my overall fitness has improved lots!

    I would of never joined anything like this before but so glad I did my experience has been amazing and would recommend this to anyone who needs motivation and guidance to help with sleeping eating stress weight issues .

  • Clare

    6.4 inches lost in 12 weeks!

    Before I started the program I had no energy and felt washed out. I did have fears that the program would be too much for me along side work, however it gave me more energy and more positivity.

    Now I always think about myself more and try to put me first. I was helped a lot by the encouragement and support from the group which lowered my stress, improved my sleep and given me more energy! Results wise I lost just under a stone, decreased body fat by 7.88% and lost 6.4 inches in 12 weeks!!

    I do miss the group, it was my time to switch off and I enjoyed the exercise and learned a lot!

  • Christine

    A feeling of desperation and despair springs to mind when I think about how I felt before I started the programme.   I was lost and unable to focus on anything positive.  My mind was all over the place.  I had some fundamental ideas of what I could do, but getting started and organising my thoughts and actions was an impossible task to me.

    I felt like I had tried everything and that I was just going over old ground without any success.I was embarrassed about how I might have come across knowing that I was feeling desperate made me a little apprehensive and afraid.  Being a woman of a certain age too was also a concern wondering about what the others on the programme might be like; how old were they, how fit were they, would they judge me ? etc..  I was also worried about how my hiatus hernia and reflux would withstand the programme.  I wondered whether they would hinder my progress and contribute towards losing any motivation that I might develop along my journey.

    To begin with I set some goals that I wanted to achieve. My goals were; ‘to get the old Chris back’ and ‘to lose 1 ½ stone’. Looking at the foods that I was consuming was the next thing that I did. At the start,i thought, ‘this is it, I am going to go straight back to square one and I’m only a couple of weeks into the programme’. This was not the case at all. The support that I received from Jack and the people on the programme helped me to maintain my motivation and positivity. With the help of Jack the problems that I have been experiencing with reflux have subsided by around 90% and I know that the reflux has been a huge factor to how I think and feel and therefore have a knock on effect on the choices that I make.

    Maintaining a positive outlook towards how my lifestyle should be, knowing how to rectify any problems that come my way and continuing to set realistic short term goals for myself, are the most valuable concepts that I have learned.

    Continuous logging of food recalls has been eye opening and has enabled Jack to identify what causes bouts of my reflux. Reducing red meats from my diet as well as taking dietary supplements that aid digestion have had a big effect on reducing and limiting the episodes of reflux. Without doing the food recalls it may have taken longer to identify this, maybe years. Thank you Jack!

    Trying to re-ignite my sparkle was my ultimate goal, I MADE IT!!! Not only have the people who have only known me for a short time seen a change in me, but those who know me well (my family) have seen my sparkle return. I haven’t achieved the total weight loss that I was hoping for, but I WILL. So my journey continues and I got the old Chris back! I have been on two activity filled holidays recently, something that I definitely would not have even considered before I started the programme.

    It’s all about your frame of mind. Identifying what you should be doing and how you should go about doing it are the ultimate questions but once you have answered these you know what you have to do and stick to it.

    It’s funny really, I continually instil these ideas with the people that I work with, yet putting them into practice for me is a totally different thing. I HAVE LEARNED A LOT!!!

  • Trish

    27lbs gone and 14 inches disappearing!

    Before i started i felt overweight, un-confident and just generally unhappy with the way I looked.

    I’m also 'gym-phobic' so i was a little apprehensive before starting.

    My confidence has boosted, loss of weight resulting dramatic inch loss so happier all round.

    Jack and his team kept me motivated and encouraged me to do things I would never have considered doing before.

    Through losing weight, this has enabled me to increase my fitness goals, and achieve them!! Exercising is a great stress reliever for me. Also i am now sleeping better as a result of better diet.

    I lost 27lbs and 14 inches!


    I've had an excellent 14 months I will never forget.
    I feel like I’ve got some tools for life now.
    All the ladies are very friendly and welcoming, which is a massive help when you’re a newbie! :)

  • Amy

    Before i started at the studio i was overweight and didn't do any form of exercise. My sleep patterns were off and my eating eating habits were awful.

    Definitely not having done any exercise was a worry before starting but now i sleep 8 hours a night, I have more energy and I eat more and much more healthy

    The group support - knowing I'm not the only one - Was a huge help!

    I have been attending the studio for over two years and have lost over 3 stone in weight, inches off my body and feel much more confident in my clothes. Energy levels have increased dramatically and I sleep like a baby

    I would like to say a big thank you to Jack and the team - you have always pushed me when I needed and backed off when you know other life commitments have taken over. I will be forever grateful to have met you and joined JS-PT and for anyone who wants to make real changes to there life for the long term then I would highly recommend Jack and the team.

  • Nikki

    Before i started I felt frumpy and had low self esteem and not very happy with me or my body

    I also had High anxieties due to suffering with depression for several months before starting

    Now, I feel happier with the way I look, I’m understanding the changes I need to make and how they will come about with what I eat as well as the exercise I undertake

    The Support from Jack and his team, The inspiration and encouragement from everyone in the classes spurs me on to continue to get where I want to be.

    My weight has not reduced greatly but my fitness levels are so much higher than when I started. I don't feel as stressed as I used to, although we're in the process of moving house which may cause a rise in stress levels. My energy is greater. I still ache in places (probably more an age thing). Sleep is okay - not perfect (again a possible age thing).

    I also managed to shift 6.8 inches from my mid -section and 5.73% body fat!

    Thank you Jack and team for your time and patience with me, I probably ask some silly questions, however I appreciate your genuine response to them and helping me feel a welcome and worthy member of your special group.
    Thanks to all the girls and gents who are so friendly and have made my joining of this elite group so easy and comfortable. You all rock x

  • Laura

    When I started I was desperate.  I was in a bad routine and my relationship with food was awful.  I wouldn't eat for hours on end, but then I would eat whatever I could grab and eat too much of it. My moods were terrible, my sleep pattern was disturbed and I rarely had any energy.

    I was worried I would be judged. Stared at, laughed at etc.  I feared I would fail, fall over, make a fool out of myself.

    Apart from losing a massive 48lbs and 14.2 Inches in total from waist + hips, my confidence grew so much. I felt happy in my skin and felt good in my clothes. I wore a dress on a night out for the first time in 6 years!

    The support and encouragement from Jack and the other coaches, but also the support from the other members was great.

    I was petrified at first. I very nearly chickened out of my first meeting with Jack, but when I got there, he made me feel relaxed and at ease. I felt I could be myself around him and he never judged me, not once!

    I always tried my best and that is all Jack asks of you. He is a kind and considerate man who has his members best interests at heart. Fantastic :) :)

    Need some help? Take your 1st step by clicking here now

  • Ellie

    Before I started my  sessions I felt unconfident, sluggish, unmotivated and did not consider exercise an enjoyment. I only did cardio now and again and had no idea what the correct exercises were or how to do them.

    I was worried I'd be embarrassed or wouldn't be motivated enough to reach my goal but my initial meeting with Jack put me at ease. He listened to the problems I was having and explained everything throughly and gave plenty of different options for me to think through.

    Not only have I lost the weight and inches I wanted to lose but I have also gained confidence. I now enjoy trying on clothes, I look forward to going out and I have the energy and drive to want to do exercise. Now I do exercise for enjoyment as well as to keep fit. I am no longer on a 'diet' but have learned how to eat healthy while still enjoying meals and having treats which I know I can continue to maintain easily by myself.

    Without Jack I wouldn't have had the knowledge around the correct foods and exercises for me. He is committed in making sure you are on the right track with check ups and sessions as well as looking at your foods.
    He is always motivating and makes sessions enjoyable.

    The team go out of their way to check on how your doing or if there are any struggles your facing and help you resolve them.
    One thing that helped me the most was the logging of my foods and the enjoyable but challenging sessions.

    I have lost around 34lbs and 11.5 inches around my waist and hips. I have so much more energy and now regularly do exercise for enjoyment. Im much more fitter and healthier and feel good about myself and my progress thanks to JSPT Health Studio. I have no stress about any silly diets as I have learnt to eat healthy and sensibly.

    I would recommend JSPT Health Studio to anyone. Jack has helped me with my weight, foods, exercise, energy levels and my confidence. Thanks to the team I now have the knowledge to be able to maintain my foods and fitness by myself.
    I can't thank Jack enough as he has changed my outlook on my eating and exercise and has improved my health and fitness for the better.

  • Sheron

    Before I came to the studio I felt that I had lost control of everything ie. Weight, fitness no motivation.
    I was fearful of whether or not I would be able to attain the above and meeting new people, not knowing anybody.

    Results wise now i feel in control, i have more motivation, fitness improved and my weight is going down.

    Ive also managed to shift 8.18% body fat and 5.2 inches!

    I feel really positive about the future. The studio has been a godsend for me. Different challenges have been put in my path- tuff nuts, mud runs

  • Clare

    Just wanted to say a massive thank you. Just that one free session you gave me and all the advice that I took in from you gave me even more determination and in just three weeks I am closet than I have ever been to getting where I want to be. I've eaten breakfast (gluten free corn flakes with soya milk) every morning (or a danio yoghurt if I'm short on time) I've not stuck religiously to the treadmill but done it as much as I can (apart from where I've felt too tired and didn't want to push myself too hard) and I've enjoyed the odd Indian (within reason) alcoholic beverages and chocky biccies as a treat only of a weekend for all my hard work and get straight back to it. It's because I know I can do it and when did a little treat hurt anyone?! Check out my b4 and after just 3 weeks Jack. I’m made up ????

    I've lost 10lbs all together so far. My sleeping is so much better. I'm finding really good recipes that fill me up (when I always thought they'd leave me hungry) I'm feeling positive and the treat days give me something to look forward to and work harder at not caving in during the week. I've not thought about giving up once

  • Kerry

    I got so much out of the JS-PT programme both physically and mentally. The sessions were exceptional, and for the first time ever I looked forward to exercise. I found myself putting in more effort than I ever had in a gym or normal exercise class environment, and seeing and feeling the benefit.

    My diet and understanding of food also really improved; bad habits were brought under control and good habits have been created for life.

    The studio also emphasises wellbeing, an area that I had never given any time to before. I had a lot of challenges and stress in my life at that time and the support and techniques that they introduced no doubt helped to steer me away from comfort eating or a bottle of wine!

    I managed to lose 8lbs, 5.01% of body fat and 5 inches in just 8 weeks!!

    Being part of the group really helped, and it was a great resource for asking questions, sharing tips, getting recipes, and celebrating each other’s achievements!

    Jack and his team have the ability to motivate and drive you towards your goals, and I could not recommend the programme highly enough!

  • Paula

    Before i started I was Depressed and felt low.
    I was worried whether or not i would keep it up and keep it going

    But since the start i have Lost weight, lost nearly 6 and a half inches and feel so much better and know I will continue to eat healthy and exercise!

    Exercise and knowing and learning what to eat has been a big help on the way to doing this.
    Not only have i Lost weight but my energy has increased and i am sleeping better.

    Thanks for all the help. It's kick started me into having an exercise regime. Feel so much better for losing weight and actually enjoy exercise!

  • Rich

    Completed an 8 week program losing 24lb and over 9 inches waist and hips combined, more importantly I feel great, stuck to the food side of things about 80% of the time, continuing with a maintenance program, fully recommend, cheers Jack.

  • Helen

    Before I felt fat and very afraid of what my future would be like if i didn't lose weight felt like i would be in a wheelchair unable to walk. Also worried i wouldn't be able to carry through looking a fool in front of people and knees would give way to fat to actually do the program.

    But everything has changed, I feel really positive about future, no longer fear not being able to walk and mindset totally different.

    Jack, Nathan and Ricky being non judgemental, supportive and yet challenging me to be more has helped!


    I can now get to sleep easy, now have more energy  and less pain when walking... and can walk further now!

    Thank you soooo much the three of you really did save me from myself, will never be able to thank you enough big hugs and kisses

  • Julie

    Before i started I wasn't feeling too good about myself..my consultant said I needed to lose some weight before he'd do my op. I also felt unfit.

    I was worried about Not being able to do the exercises ... and also about injuring myself.

    I Lost the weight i needed!! yay

    I got fitter...sorted out my diet and most importantly got an appointment with consultant on 1st Dec.

    I loved the help, advice and encouragement from Jack and Mike

    Still keeping weight level at achieved goal..stress is less...fitness has gone downhill a bit as haven't had time to attend gym classes.

    Although it was tough in the beginning..my legs hated me...I really enjoyed my sessions and the help and advice was brilliant..cheers guys xx☺

  • Rachel

    I have worked hard in the last 15 months and feel great. This is down to a family member recommending js-pt health studio.
    My confidence has grown, my health has improved, I no longer suffer from sleepless nights. My posture is great, my body toned more than it has ever been and on top of that my diet is a lot healthier which meant weight loss.
    At one time diet would have been top of my list. But I hardly think about it now due to a change in attitude and approach to exercise. And because of this the results I have seen still amaze me when I try on new clothes. (Dropped 2 dress sizes)

    We all have bad days. Eat crap, drink too much over the weekend and not in the mood to exercise. This IS normal!!!! But Jack helps you to change your outlook to these bad habits and encourages you to make new ones.
    Jack and his team have a way of drawing you in to the FUN to exercise and routine and being a healthier you!
    ☆YES the classes are exhausting
    ☆YES you work up a sweat
    ☆YES you will notice results if you stick with a program.
    I had many fears the first time I met Jack. The hardest part for me was walking through the studio door. I am so glad I did. The new lifestyle for me is amazing. New friends who have all taken that first step and have succeeded and we all continue to succeed.
    If you have the opportunity to meet and work on one of Jacks programmes TAKE IT the transformation will be amazing.
    Thanks Jack. You and the Team are dedicated and helped me and many others get results.

  • Edd

    Results - Over 6.7% body fat gone, muscle mass increased in 8 weeks!
    Before I started I felt Chubby, lacked energy, lack of motivation and Used to eat late at night.

    I was worried If I would see any positive changes - if the training/diet plan was something I could keep up permanently.

    I have now been introduced to a range of exercises which I wasn’t aware of before Jack shown me - huge benefit.

    I drink a lot more water, I sleep a lot better, and I have stayed in good shape for 6 months (so far!).

    Jack's experience and guidance has been excellent. He is willing to answer any question, and go above and beyond to ensure I hit my results. Jack was pretty much available 24/7 and was willing to build the sessions around my needs.

    I lost 10 pounds in just 8 weeks, dropped over 6.7% body fat, increased muscle mass and through Jack’s guidance I have kept he weight off. I am a lot leaner than I was when I stared. My sleeping pattern has improved (which Jack specifically targets - this hasn’t been the case with other gyms/trainers I have had).

    Jack personalised my training programme to ensure I got the results I wanted. These results have been maintained due to Jack's guidance and motivation. I strongly recommend Jack Sullivan for anyone who would like to reach their goal, and even go beyond! Thanks Jack!

  • Liz

    Before I started I had put weight on because I was laid up with my back for a couple of months and was bored so kept eating. I felt tired all the time and my confidence had gone I felt fat and useless. I had fears that I wouldn’t stick to it and that I wouldn’t be able to lose the weight or alter my shape.
    Now I have found the old me again I have lost weight, body fat and dropped a dress size I feel amazing!
    I loved the fact that I was not on my own, everyone in the group are all there to improve their lifestyle and we all support each other in any way we can. Jack and the team are awesome and will help you any way they can, there very supportive and knowledgeable.I have lost 21lbs, 13% body fat &, inches from all over, my fitness levels have increased , always full of energy, I don’t stress over things like I use to, my pain has gone and I am able to do exercises that I had not done for years, my sleep is getting there although need a a bit more improving.

  • Danielle

    6% body fat gone and a flatter stomach in 8 weeks

    “I would always plan on going to the gym but working two jobs I would always find my self sitting down and just slobbing on the sofa when I had some spare time. I knew it was going to be hard work but I was more worried about sticking to eating well. I had sessions sometimes 2 times a week once I got going it became part of my routine and something I looked forward too, especially as jack tracked my progress each week and gave me feedback which would give me the determination to succeed the next week.

    My body fat dropped 6%! and I can tell I have lost fat visually my stomach is flatter and my legs are more toned It was worth while and it would be something I would look at doing again if I needed to get into shape before a holiday again and it has given me a great insight into what kind of exercise I can do when I go to the gym or at home!”

  • Debi

    Before I started the program I was overweight, I didn’t want to go out , had no energy and just didn’t feel good in myself. Used to wake up at 4am most days as couldn't sleep. Comfort ate . Lacked confidence. Had done all the diets, lost weight then put twice as much on. I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to keep up / do the sessions. That I wouldn’t achieve my goals

    But now I have more energy, much fitter and a lot lighter, made new friends and changed my lifestyle altogether, eat healthier and look forward to the sessions, if I could, I would do them all!

    I now challenge myself and have a go were as before would probably say “I can’t" or just wouldn't try.I was helped most by Jack’s belief in me , that I could & can do it. The encouragement from the team. And the 1-2-1 sessions with Jack. I am over 1.5 stone lighter, I have lost 5-6 inches around my body, also lost body fat and 2 dress sizes smaller (nearly 3)

  • Sharon

    Prior to starting at the studio I felt tired, breathless and unfit and I was constantly suffering with colds. I would often fall asleep in the afternoon when I got home from work. I was constantly hungry and snacking between meals but never feeling full. My mood was really low and I really wanted to change how I felt and looked but didn't know how to, or where to start. I had tried every diet and fitness plan around, and although I had success in the short term with some, I couldn’t maintain the results in the long term and soon put the weight back on, and more.

    I was worried that I wouldn't be able to keep up with everyone in the sessions and that people would judge me for that. I thought that I would have to be strict with my diet and completely cut out foods that I enjoy and avoid social occasions. I was wary about it fitting in with my life, my job, family and studies.

    Pretty much everything has changed for the better since starting. I am more active, my weight and body shape have improved, as well as my mood and I enjoy exercising! 27 lbs has disappeared and 10 inches from my waist and hip. I also have a better understanding of how to eat healthily without having to starve or completely cut out treats and food that I enjoy.

    Whats helped me? Jack and the other instructors, Shane and his nutrition challenges help me to look at things differently and identify ways to keep improving. Also all of the other ladies in the group. Everyone is so supportive and friendly, I have always looked forward to going to the classes

    I've had gradual, steady weight loss equating to 3 dress sizes. Massively increased fitness and energy levels, no more afternoon naps needed, especially as my sleep had improved too! My mood is better and I am generally more positive. I feel stronger and healthier and like I have control of my weight and fitness for the first time in 30 years!

  • Jo

    After having back surgery i was unsure of what I could do about exercising as i was still in pain. I Felt down in myself and was not able to carry out what was needed

    Now, 6 weeks on i Feel a lot better in myself the stiffness and pain i had is loads better and lost weight which is a bonus.

    The exercise's i was given for my back have helped me and are the reason i can now do what i do.

    I've lost weight (over half a stone) and inches, my sleep is better and my fitness seems to be better too.

    I feel like a different person from starting. Have more energy and feel better all round :)

  • Jane

    ‘Going to Jack for personal training is the best thing I have done for my health and fitness for years. My body feels balanced and I feel very, very healthy!’

    I decided not to renew my membership at the gym I was going to because I was not getting any enjoyment from the work-outs. I did not feel as if I was improving my health or my fitness with the exercises I was doing. In fact they were making me feel worse. I still wanted to exercise but didn’t know what to do for the best, but I did know I didn’t want my body to hurt all the time!

    I have gone to a personal trainer in the past, but the ‘extreme’ training was just too much and I wondered if the trainer had taken my age and fitness level into consideration at all. It was a very easy decision to go to Jack for personal training as his care and thoroughness during the assessment gave me the reassurance I needed. He picked up on the problems I had with my right hip immediately. Every session was interesting, with revelations about my posture, muscles etc. and I always felt as if I had benefitted from the exercises (oh and don’t think that they did not bring me out in a sweat – they did).


    Jack is a very kind and considerate trainer, never bossy, but that look of slight disappointment when I didn’t follow his guidance was enough to make me want to do better next time.

    The presumption that I have to exercise to the verge of collapse has gone. This has given me freedom to do the exercise I enjoy, not what others say I should be doing.

    My body feels stronger from doing what at first seemed like very simple movements, and I just loved the core mobility. Oh and I think I can do squats correctly now! My hip feels better, it is not as stiff as before and improving all the time.

    Jack’s gently guidance on diet and nutrition has also opened new doors, for which I am very grateful. He gives sensible advice, not fads. Going to Jack for personal training is the best thing I have done for my health and fitness for years. My body feels balanced and I feel very, very healthy! In an ideal world, I would continue to have training from Jack on a regular basis. I am going to carry on the exercises that he has shown me and hope that I will be able to do more training with him in the future.


  • Sue

    Before I started I was overweight, lacked energy & motivation & a couch potato! Typical yo-yo dieter & generally feeling fed up & miserable! I would start things & give up far too easily, making excuses not to do something!

    I was at the point where I needed to just do something completely new & different! I had an 'epiphany" I suppose & realised It wasn't just about losing a stone or whatever but more about improving my mindset & my lifestyle as a whole & saw this as an ideal opportunity to do it!! There was a little bit of self doubt at the beginning because I'd always given up on things before. It's like a convinced myself I'd never be any different!

    There’s a new me emerged, who’s happy, healthy & confident & I like her!! :)

    I was helped by Getting the right mindset & actually believing in myself for once! I never once felt deprived & I liked the fact that I could still go out & have a good time but still maintain regular results - it's all about getting the happy medium & doing what's right for you!

    Figures wise I’ve lost 17lbs, 5.7inches & 9.03% body fat & had more success in 12 weeks than I’ve ever had before.

    I feel amazing!! I'm fitter, healthier & happier & I'm proud of myself for finally investing in me & actually changing things!

    The whole program for me has been ace! Good food, lots of exercise & a wonderful group of people who have made it fun & provided support & motivation throughout !ts been hard work but have thoroughly enjoyed it!! Well worth the investment in myself & I would recommend it to everyone in the same position that I was in! Looking forward to results still to come.....!!

  • Helen

    Before i started i felt unfit, had no energy and wasn’t comfortable in my clothes.  I was struggling to get in to a routine with exercise and healthy eating

    I did think that i would struggle to stick to a plan and lack motivation.

    I have made exercise a part of my daily/weekly routine with the help and motivation of everyone at JSPT, and the support from everyone at JSPT has helped.

    I have more energy and feel fit and healthy. I feel comfortable in my clothes again and have dropped a dress size.

    I have also lost 6.47% body fat, dropped 17lbs and 5.6 inches from my midsection!

    I have had the best results at JSPT, I have done weight watchers and slimming world before and have lost more weight but found it harder to maintain and haven’t gained the fitness that I have at JSPT.

    The support from JSPT Health studio makes it easier to make exercise enjoyable and a part of everyday life.

  • Jay

    Been an incredible 12 weeks. Can’t thank or recommend JS-PT Health Studio enough. Support, challenging and consistent aid from Jack been immense, even more so through out lockdown which speaks volumes.

    60 HIIT sessions, just under 500 miles covered and huge changes with diet and nutrition during this period which has been a great challenge and journey.

    Oh… and shifted 51lbs of weight!

    Again huge thanks to Jack Sullivan and looking forward to being back in full training and gym in the not so distant future. #health

  • Gaz

    Body fat stripped right down and ready for fight night!

  • Amelia

    InJanuary 2016, I was trodden into the ground by fibromyalgia, and had fallen down stairs and hurt several ribs. I had ended an abusive (alcohol, verbal, emotional, physical, and financial) marriage the year before and my kids were wounded by it all and I needed to be able to help them and myself.
    Since starting on the VIP transformation programme I have lost a few pounds, but lost nearly 5 inches and gone down a dress size.

    The most amazing thing for me though is that I come in from work each night and do something. A brisk walk with the dog, or a work out with a mate.

    None of this was possible last January.
    I haven't had a fibro crash since I started this programme! over 6 months!
    I can identify when it is going to happen. I now have the tools to stop it.
    I am starting to lose the weight.
    I am full of energy now and will spend that energy well
    Thank you so much to Jack for patiently and steadily working out why I was in such a mess, and helping me to understand how to break free.
    And thank you so much to all the group. You have no idea how much you all helped me with your emojes and comments, especially as I couldn't take part in the groups....
    Will miss you all.
    Take care and continue to be amazing. xxx

  • Fiona

    Before I started I was lethargic all the time, felt very unhealthy and had no energy.

    I though that it would be too much of a commitment or I wouldn’t be able to stick to it.

    Whats changed now? My attitude, I know I can smash it if I keep focused.

    The Thing that helped me the most was Consistency, having the group to share the experience with and help hold me accountable.

    I achieved a couple of stone weight loss! Lost lots of inches, I felt a lot fitter and slept better. My energy was up!

    The most important thing I will take from the journey is my mentality.

    I know that I can do it, I can take a few weeks off as I did this year for my honeymoon and then know I can get straight back to it without it making me depressed and back to square one.

    It's ok to not be perfect, just let it go and carry on. It's a long game, not a quick fix. I would still be doing this programme I know if the times fit in around work more easily.

    But now I smash the gym a few times a week before work because of the attitude I have developed through JS-PT. Thank you :)

  • Jess

    After just giving birth and gaining over 2 stone I felt sluggish, sad and unhappy and worried that I wasn’t going to be able to the happy and healthy mum for my child.

    I was worried that i wasnt going to be able to loose any weight, i had low self esteem and no confidence. The exercise part petrified me that I wasn’t going to be able to do it and that I'd be the joke of the group.

    I am a lot more confident, I can leave the house with my boy and not worry what people think of me. I am much happier and I can definitely tell that I have a real smile in photos now. I eat a lot Healthier now and don't rely on takeouts and I have breakfast everyday.

    Honestly all of it has helped, but I'd say the classes. Taking me out of my comfort zone and having to exercise in front of people. And the constant support of Jack and his team and all the other members. Without them i wouldn’t of managed to achieve what I have.

    I have lost over 2 stone in weight and dropped 3 dress sizes. I sleep alot better, no waking up in the night. My fitness levels are better than they have ever been in all honesty, I can walk up stairs without getting out of breath and can lift my son with ease. I have the energy to go out everyday, no more thinking oh I’m tired let's just sit inside and play/watch TV almost everyday I put him in his pram and go for a walk to the park.

    I was beyond lucky to have won the free 1 one year membership, with the help of Jack and his team I have managed to loose the weight I hadn't gained and abit more in my pregnancy which I got told was rather hard to loose but I did it! I know i still have a long way to go but with all of the advise that Jack has given I know i will get there.

  • Tarah

    Before Starting I was overweight and unfit. I was very unhappy with how I felt and what I saw in the mirror.

    The fear of failure and also fear of looking silly in front of other people in a class was something that worried me. Since then I have smashed my personal target for my weight loss (32 lbs!), I look and feel much fitter and healthier and I have dropped 2 dress sizes. I feel confident again!

    The overall program has worked for me. The small class sizes were perfect for me. Jack you really made sure i got to the real target for my journey.

    Ive lost weight, I have reached my ideal weight and loads of Inches too! Im Feeling fitter and so much happier. I am happy to have my picture taken now too!

    I just want to say a huge thank you for helping me achieve everything I have since I joined. I am so much happier and am truly grateful to you Jack and your fab team. I shall be encouraging everyone to join a programme and I will be back as I am going to miss the vip classes. Once again, thanks for everything!

  • Ruth

    I have had two courses with Jack and cant believe my results. Not only has Jack helped me completely change my body shape he has changed the way I see exercise.

    I have had two courses with Jack and cant believe my results. Not only has Jack helped me completely change my body shape he has changed the way I see exercise. I have experienced a variety of different types of personal training since being a member at Lifestyle Fitness none of which have offered the complete package fitness, diet and support with dramatic results.

    If you are looking for ‘personal training that works’ Jack Sullivan is the best.
    If you are looking for ’dramatic, quick results’ Jack Sullivan is the best.
    If you are looking for the ‘complete package, fitness, diet advice and 24/7 (well almost) support Jack Sullivan is the best”

  • Julie

    I heard about Jack's programme when I was feeling very low, I was overweight, unfit, sleeping badly and barely coping with work and family and not looking after me at all.
    I joined Jack's 12 week programme with lots of doubts about if it would work, if it was worth the investment, if I could stick to the nutrition advice and mostly if it was sustainable.
    Well to all you out there with the same doubts I want to tell you I completed the programme at the start of December, at the end of the programme I had lost 29 pounds, 7 inches from waist and hips, I feel fitter more confident and better about myself so yes it worked, the investment was in me and yes I am worth the investment.

    The nutrition advice is easy to stick to and easy to 'cheat' then pick up again and yes its sustainable, I have continued to loose weight even over the Christmas period when I have indulged but with a different attitude. I am motivated to continue with keeping fit and looking forward to 2016 being a great year.
    Oh and I'm not the sort to endorse anything lightly!!

  • Nia

    Before i started i was always tired and feeling low, in a never ending circle of faddy diets.

    At first i had worries of embarrassment, lack of confidence and failing.

    I have now changed the way I look at food, making better choices, not on a ‘diet’ any more (word diet is banned) numbers don’t matter its about how you feel and do you like what you see in the mirror !

    The encouragement from the team, the videos, the support, the recipes and the support of the group!

    I have lost a few inches all over, I feel better in myself, exercise is now enjoyable, I know I have a long way to go to my goals but I know it is achievable I also accept there will be set backs but that doesn’t matter I have the strength to pick myself up again, my back ache is a lot better, I no longer need my daily dose of Ibuprofen and co- codamol , my Blood Pressure has improved!

    I haven't progressed since before Christmas but I am ok with that, I am now on the mend and getting back to it. I have really enjoyed the whole experience, I am sad my VIP is at an end but I do plan to continue attending the open sessions. Thank you for changing my life around you and your team Jack are great motivators I feel 20 years younger!

  • Michelle

    I had joined local gyms previously but once inducted I was left to my own devices which meant I quickly stopped going and ultimately gave up. I tried doing exercise routines at home also but again would stop after a few weeks. My daughter was 4 years old but yet I failed to lose the baby weight I gained whilst pregnant, this was getting me down and with my 40th birthday approaching I decided I needed to act now. I had a goal, I just needed the guidance and support to get there.

    I didn't want to fail, I wanted to do this not only for myself but to prove to people around me that I could do this. Having failed on previous attempts I wanted to succeed. Walking into the session for the first time was a little daunting however once over that initial greeting I felt at ease and over the weeks felt relaxed.

    Having the support from Jack, Shane and the team, I have totally changed my daily routine. I looked forward to exercise oppose to dreading it. I've changed my eating habits not only for myself but my family. I'm more aware of what I'm eating, jotting everything down on my fitness pal and recording my exercise.

    I now realise I don't have to exercise for hours on end to get results.

    I understand what foods are best for me and now choose high protein foods to keep me fuller for longer. I still have the cheeky treat or night out, I just pull it back over the week or do a little more exercise.

    I have enjoyed the support and guidance from the team, even when I've not fell up to it they give me the push I needed to get me back. It's exactly what I needed.

    The support from Shane from a nutritional point of view has been fab, to add the girls on the group have been amazing sharing their stories and ideas.

    In 3 months I've lost just over a stone and several inches from my waist, arms etc. In addition to this I feel so much happier! I'm getting into my old clothes, I am planning more which ultimately relieves stress. I'm not coming home and making wrong choices with foods due to planning. I have a scheduled fitness plan in place which fits around my other commitments. Since starting I have found I have more energy and sleeping better.

    I could not thank JSPT team enough, from start to end they have made me feel welcome. It's like a little family, none judgemental friendly members. What they have helped me achieve over a short period of time is amazing and I'm extremely grateful. You gave me the kick up the bum I needed and put me on the right path for a new stress free healthy lifestyle.

    Thank you :-)

  • Jen

    Before Starting my confidence was very low, i had no energy or motivation. I was fearful i would feel self conscious and that i would struggle to keep up in classes.

    I have lost 17 lbs, 8.5 inches from my mid-section and nearly 10% body fat!!

    My confidence has grown and i have lots more energy. I feel much more educated with regards to my food and exercise.

    The support from other members and the whole team at JS-PT Health Studio was helpful!

    I have absolutely loved my time at JS-PT. Jack and the team have helped me in so many area's.....confidence, energy, strength and most importantly helping me regain control.

    Best thing i ever did!!

  • Jay

    Been an incredible 12 weeks. Can’t thank or recommend JS-PT Health Studio enough. Support, challenging and consistent aid from Jack been immense, even more so through out lockdown which speaks volumes.

    60 HIIT sessions, just under 500 miles covered and huge changes with diet and nutrition during this period which has been a great challenge and journey.

    Oh… and shifted 51lbs of weight!

    Again huge thanks to Jack Sullivan and looking forward to being back in full training and gym in the not so distant future. #health

  • Michelle

    I had joined local gyms previously but once inducted I was left to my own devices which meant I quickly stopped going and ultimately gave up. I tried doing exercise routines at home also but again would stop after a few weeks. My daughter was 4 years old but yet I failed to lose the baby weight I gained whilst pregnant, this was getting me down and with my 40th birthday approaching I decided I needed to act now. I had a goal, I just needed the guidance and support to get there.

    I didn't want to fail, I wanted to do this not only for myself but to prove to people around me that I could do this. Having failed on previous attempts I wanted to succeed. Walking into the session for the first time was a little daunting however once over that initial greeting I felt at ease and over the weeks felt relaxed.

    Having the support from Jack, Shane and the team, I have totally changed my daily routine. I looked forward to exercise oppose to dreading it. I've changed my eating habits not only for myself but my family. I'm more aware of what I'm eating, jotting everything down on my fitness pal and recording my exercise.

    I now realise I don't have to exercise for hours on end to get results.

    I understand what foods are best for me and now choose high protein foods to keep me fuller for longer. I still have the cheeky treat or night out, I just pull it back over the week or do a little more exercise.

    I have enjoyed the support and guidance from the team, even when I've not fell up to it they give me the push I needed to get me back. It's exactly what I needed.

    The support from Shane from a nutritional point of view has been fab, to add the girls on the group have been amazing sharing their stories and ideas.

    In 3 months I've lost just over a stone and several inches from my waist, arms etc. In addition to this I feel so much happier! I'm getting into my old clothes, I am planning more which ultimately relieves stress. I'm not coming home and making wrong choices with foods due to planning. I have a scheduled fitness plan in place which fits around my other commitments. Since starting I have found I have more energy and sleeping better.

    I could not thank JSPT team enough, from start to end they have made me feel welcome. It's like a little family, none judgemental friendly members. What they have helped me achieve over a short period of time is amazing and I'm extremely grateful. You gave me the kick up the bum I needed and put me on the right path for a new stress free healthy lifestyle.

    Thank you :-)

  • Gaz

    Body fat stripped right down and ready for fight night!

  • Claire

    I joined the studio back in November 2019 and since then I’ve been on quite a journey.

    To date I’ve lost 13lbs but I’ve also gained strength, stamina and a totally different mindset.

    Prior to joining the studio, I’d never done regular exercise and always ‘thought’ that I didn’t really need to. I’d always ate healthily and was quite happy to carry a few extra pounds. However, the extra pounds seemed to be increasing and I also noticed that my anxiety levels were high in general.

    My one to one with Jack was a positive experience and I agreed to sign up for the 21 day challenge which involved attending sessions and tracking my food intake. Needless to say, I lost weight and was happy with my results.

    Fast forward to March 2020 and I was now a member of the VIP group and was still continuing to lose weight and gain strength.

    Then Covid struck and attending sessions at the studio was no longer an option. I stuck with it and began participating in the online sessions. I also signed up for the couch to 5k which was a huge thing for me because I’d never imagined myself as a runner!!!

    I completed the challenge and kept Jack updated each week by sending him photos of me looking very sweaty and red once I’d done my run!

    Coming out of lockdown has been fine. I’ve enjoyed being back at the studio which is immaculate and a very safe environment to work out in.

    I now organise my week and plan ahead which ALWAYS involves exercise. If I can’t make a class, I go for a walk or run. It just seems such a very normal thing to do. I can’t imagine not exercising. Jack, Kate and the team have kept me motivated throughout this experience.

    If I’d been left to my own devices, I would have definitely given up and sabotaged all the hard work that I had achieved in the beginning. This still counts for me now. I appreciate the weekly check ins and feel a valued member of the studio. A massive thank you to Jack and Kate :)

  • Kerry

    I got so much out of the JS-PT programme both physically and mentally. The sessions were exceptional, and for the first time ever I looked forward to exercise. I found myself putting in more effort than I ever had in a gym or normal exercise class environment, and seeing and feeling the benefit.

    My diet and understanding of food also really improved; bad habits were brought under control and good habits have been created for life.

    The studio also emphasises wellbeing, an area that I had never given any time to before. I had a lot of challenges and stress in my life at that time and the support and techniques that they introduced no doubt helped to steer me away from comfort eating or a bottle of wine!

    I managed to lose 8lbs, 5.01% of body fat and 5 inches in just 8 weeks!!

    Being part of the group really helped, and it was a great resource for asking questions, sharing tips, getting recipes, and celebrating each other’s achievements!

    Jack and his team have the ability to motivate and drive you towards your goals, and I could not recommend the programme highly enough!

  • Rachel

    I have worked hard in the last 15 months and feel great. This is down to a family member recommending js-pt health studio.
    My confidence has grown, my health has improved, I no longer suffer from sleepless nights. My posture is great, my body toned more than it has ever been and on top of that my diet is a lot healthier which meant weight loss.
    At one time diet would have been top of my list. But I hardly think about it now due to a change in attitude and approach to exercise. And because of this the results I have seen still amaze me when I try on new clothes. (Dropped 2 dress sizes)

    We all have bad days. Eat crap, drink too much over the weekend and not in the mood to exercise. This IS normal!!!! But Jack helps you to change your outlook to these bad habits and encourages you to make new ones.
    Jack and his team have a way of drawing you in to the FUN to exercise and routine and being a healthier you!
    ☆YES the classes are exhausting
    ☆YES you work up a sweat
    ☆YES you will notice results if you stick with a program.
    I had many fears the first time I met Jack. The hardest part for me was walking through the studio door. I am so glad I did. The new lifestyle for me is amazing. New friends who have all taken that first step and have succeeded and we all continue to succeed.
    If you have the opportunity to meet and work on one of Jacks programmes TAKE IT the transformation will be amazing.
    Thanks Jack. You and the Team are dedicated and helped me and many others get results.

  • Laura

    When I started I was desperate.  I was in a bad routine and my relationship with food was awful.  I wouldn't eat for hours on end, but then I would eat whatever I could grab and eat too much of it. My moods were terrible, my sleep pattern was disturbed and I rarely had any energy.

    I was worried I would be judged. Stared at, laughed at etc.  I feared I would fail, fall over, make a fool out of myself.

    Apart from losing a massive 48lbs and 14.2 Inches in total from waist + hips, my confidence grew so much. I felt happy in my skin and felt good in my clothes. I wore a dress on a night out for the first time in 6 years!

    The support and encouragement from Jack and the other coaches, but also the support from the other members was great.

    I was petrified at first. I very nearly chickened out of my first meeting with Jack, but when I got there, he made me feel relaxed and at ease. I felt I could be myself around him and he never judged me, not once!

    I always tried my best and that is all Jack asks of you. He is a kind and considerate man who has his members best interests at heart. Fantastic :) :)

    Need some help? Take your 1st step by clicking here now

  • Helen

    Before I felt fat and very afraid of what my future would be like if i didn't lose weight felt like i would be in a wheelchair unable to walk. Also worried i wouldn't be able to carry through looking a fool in front of people and knees would give way to fat to actually do the program.

    But everything has changed, I feel really positive about future, no longer fear not being able to walk and mindset totally different.

    Jack, Nathan and Ricky being non judgemental, supportive and yet challenging me to be more has helped!


    I can now get to sleep easy, now have more energy  and less pain when walking... and can walk further now!

    Thank you soooo much the three of you really did save me from myself, will never be able to thank you enough big hugs and kisses

  • Jayne

    3 months after having a baby I was feeling extremely tired and unfit. My joints hurt walking up the stairs. My skin was patchy and pigmented. I had very little energy. I was having B12 injections every month and prescription iron tablets. My figure was out of shape and not toned.

    I was worried I would be too unfit to do the sessions as I hadn’t exercised in a while

    I have completely changed my life and perspective. I feel energetic every day and have managed to return to work and still have energy to do night feeds and get up at 6am each day. I'm fit enough to do an 11 mile tuff nutz which I would never have dreamed of doing 12 weeks ago. My skin has cleared and I no longer need injections or iron tablets. I fit into my clothes and feel confident in a bikini just 6 months after having a baby which is amazing. My figure is defined and toned. I've also got a much clearer idea on what to eat and regularly plan meals which helps the whole family and also saves money.

    Support from my family has honestly helped me the most. Bad days when I don't want to train or eat well we're made better when lived ones kept encouraging me. It really helped to get regular resources from the programme such as emails and videos to keep me going.

    I lost over a stone, just over 5 inches from around my waist and hips and nearly 10% body fat in 12 weeks.

    The programme has really changed my life- at the best time of my life. I would recommend it to anyone wanting to make a change in their goals today.

  • Julie

    Before i started I wasn't feeling too good about myself..my consultant said I needed to lose some weight before he'd do my op. I also felt unfit.

    I was worried about Not being able to do the exercises ... and also about injuring myself.

    I Lost the weight i needed!! yay

    I got fitter...sorted out my diet and most importantly got an appointment with consultant on 1st Dec.

    I loved the help, advice and encouragement from Jack and Mike

    Still keeping weight level at achieved goal..stress is less...fitness has gone downhill a bit as haven't had time to attend gym classes.

    Although it was tough in the beginning..my legs hated me...I really enjoyed my sessions and the help and advice was brilliant..cheers guys xx☺

  • Jess

    After just giving birth and gaining over 2 stone I felt sluggish, sad and unhappy and worried that I wasn’t going to be able to the happy and healthy mum for my child.

    I was worried that i wasnt going to be able to loose any weight, i had low self esteem and no confidence. The exercise part petrified me that I wasn’t going to be able to do it and that I'd be the joke of the group.

    I am a lot more confident, I can leave the house with my boy and not worry what people think of me. I am much happier and I can definitely tell that I have a real smile in photos now. I eat a lot Healthier now and don't rely on takeouts and I have breakfast everyday.

    Honestly all of it has helped, but I'd say the classes. Taking me out of my comfort zone and having to exercise in front of people. And the constant support of Jack and his team and all the other members. Without them i wouldn’t of managed to achieve what I have.

    I have lost over 2 stone in weight and dropped 3 dress sizes. I sleep alot better, no waking up in the night. My fitness levels are better than they have ever been in all honesty, I can walk up stairs without getting out of breath and can lift my son with ease. I have the energy to go out everyday, no more thinking oh I’m tired let's just sit inside and play/watch TV almost everyday I put him in his pram and go for a walk to the park.

    I was beyond lucky to have won the free 1 one year membership, with the help of Jack and his team I have managed to loose the weight I hadn't gained and abit more in my pregnancy which I got told was rather hard to loose but I did it! I know i still have a long way to go but with all of the advise that Jack has given I know i will get there.

  • Sheron

    Before I came to the studio I felt that I had lost control of everything ie. Weight, fitness no motivation.
    I was fearful of whether or not I would be able to attain the above and meeting new people, not knowing anybody.

    Results wise now i feel in control, i have more motivation, fitness improved and my weight is going down.

    Ive also managed to shift 8.18% body fat and 5.2 inches!

    I feel really positive about the future. The studio has been a godsend for me. Different challenges have been put in my path- tuff nuts, mud runs

  • Sharon

    Before starting i had a lack of motivation and energy did not sleep through the night and my eating was all over the place not eating the right foods.

    I was worried about giving up after starting and feeling alone once I left the sessions.

    But now I have more confidence, lots of energy and my body has changed shape with a loss of 8inches with all the support given in and out of the studio.  I am managing my anxiety levels sleeping and overall health i have also changed my attitude towards food choices.

    My results? I hit my Goal, I am Sleeping better, Inches dropped, less stress and steady weight loss and my overall fitness has improved lots!

    I would of never joined anything like this before but so glad I did my experience has been amazing and would recommend this to anyone who needs motivation and guidance to help with sleeping eating stress weight issues .

  • Amelia

    InJanuary 2016, I was trodden into the ground by fibromyalgia, and had fallen down stairs and hurt several ribs. I had ended an abusive (alcohol, verbal, emotional, physical, and financial) marriage the year before and my kids were wounded by it all and I needed to be able to help them and myself.
    Since starting on the VIP transformation programme I have lost a few pounds, but lost nearly 5 inches and gone down a dress size.

    The most amazing thing for me though is that I come in from work each night and do something. A brisk walk with the dog, or a work out with a mate.

    None of this was possible last January.
    I haven't had a fibro crash since I started this programme! over 6 months!
    I can identify when it is going to happen. I now have the tools to stop it.
    I am starting to lose the weight.
    I am full of energy now and will spend that energy well
    Thank you so much to Jack for patiently and steadily working out why I was in such a mess, and helping me to understand how to break free.
    And thank you so much to all the group. You have no idea how much you all helped me with your emojes and comments, especially as I couldn't take part in the groups....
    Will miss you all.
    Take care and continue to be amazing. xxx

  • Fiona

    Before I started I was lethargic all the time, felt very unhealthy and had no energy.

    I though that it would be too much of a commitment or I wouldn’t be able to stick to it.

    Whats changed now? My attitude, I know I can smash it if I keep focused.

    The Thing that helped me the most was Consistency, having the group to share the experience with and help hold me accountable.

    I achieved a couple of stone weight loss! Lost lots of inches, I felt a lot fitter and slept better. My energy was up!

    The most important thing I will take from the journey is my mentality.

    I know that I can do it, I can take a few weeks off as I did this year for my honeymoon and then know I can get straight back to it without it making me depressed and back to square one.

    It's ok to not be perfect, just let it go and carry on. It's a long game, not a quick fix. I would still be doing this programme I know if the times fit in around work more easily.

    But now I smash the gym a few times a week before work because of the attitude I have developed through JS-PT. Thank you :)

  • Sara

    9 lbs, 2.5 inches in 8weeks

    Before I started I was stuck in bad eating habits and in denial that anything would help me get fit and drop some weight.

    I was taught how to ditch all the excuses, start being pro-active and I was determined to make a change! Everything was outside of my comfort zone …. Exercise, group classes, healthy eating. But I really really enjoyed it all! Huge change for me .... And it's proving to be a huge change for all my family too. We are all now walking, exercising and eating far more healthily, Massive achievement with four teenagers!

    I am now able to wear the red dress that was far too small for me … the inches made all the difference!! Made me feel more determined to carry on and feel better about myself.

  • Tricia

    I was completing a limited amount of exercise and my nutrition wasn't terrible but needed closer attention before starting.

    My biggest issues were pain to my shoulder and my own state of mind!

    I was concerned about my own commitment and sustaining motivation whilst doing this.

    I'm pain free in my shoulder. I have a greater awareness about what constitutes good nutrition. I have lost a considerable amount of weight, toned up and feel fitter. My mental health has also improved despite going through some personally challenging times.

    Both the personal training sessions and the small group sessions were great. The combination of both allowed for tailored training while benefitting from motivation from other ladies with the same aims in mind. You don’t get lost in a big class of people but you never feel like you're the only one which has happened to me when I use a PT before.

    I lost a stone and a half in weight.

    I am able to manage stress more effectively.

    I am generally more motivated to be active than I was.

    I no longer have shoulder pain.

    I’m fitter than I was

    This has been a great experience for me. I think the concept is quite unique and definitely one which allows for long-term effective results. 

    I really appreciated the holistic approach to my physical and mental well-being. 

    Thank you for everything you did for me, I'll be badgering you to open up a similar studio on the Wirral! Will need some help again once I've had this baba! 


  • Clare

    Just wanted to say a massive thank you. Just that one free session you gave me and all the advice that I took in from you gave me even more determination and in just three weeks I am closet than I have ever been to getting where I want to be. I've eaten breakfast (gluten free corn flakes with soya milk) every morning (or a danio yoghurt if I'm short on time) I've not stuck religiously to the treadmill but done it as much as I can (apart from where I've felt too tired and didn't want to push myself too hard) and I've enjoyed the odd Indian (within reason) alcoholic beverages and chocky biccies as a treat only of a weekend for all my hard work and get straight back to it. It's because I know I can do it and when did a little treat hurt anyone?! Check out my b4 and after just 3 weeks Jack. I’m made up ????

    I've lost 10lbs all together so far. My sleeping is so much better. I'm finding really good recipes that fill me up (when I always thought they'd leave me hungry) I'm feeling positive and the treat days give me something to look forward to and work harder at not caving in during the week. I've not thought about giving up once

  • Shaer

    I was struggling with motivation. I know i needed to do exercise but i couldnt be bothered and i was conscious of other peoples perceptions i.e. If i was slow or couldn’t keep up

    I was worried That i would make excuses not to come to the studio because it might be too hard. That others might think i was slow and unfit

    I dont really care what anyone else thinks as i know i am on a good path and am doing well. I enjoy doing exercise and want to do more. I eat much more veg, especially green leafy veg. I know the importance of eating clean

    What has kept me going is being part of a small, discrete friendly group that is fun and welcoming rather than feeling i was on my own. Eating more of the right food and discovering sweet potato roasted chips

    Ive lost weight because my clothes are looser but I’m not particulary bothered what i weigh

    My fitness has massively improved and has spurred me to join a triathlon club and take triathlons seriously rather than as a bit of fun

    My energy levels are high and my goal is not to lose that

    Ive really enjoyed the programme, its changed my mindset. At the start of the programme you said that after 12 weeks i will be equipt with the tools to go it alone. I was sceptical of this but i totally believe now that i can

  • Ruth

    I have had two courses with Jack and cant believe my results. Not only has Jack helped me completely change my body shape he has changed the way I see exercise.

    I have had two courses with Jack and cant believe my results. Not only has Jack helped me completely change my body shape he has changed the way I see exercise. I have experienced a variety of different types of personal training since being a member at Lifestyle Fitness none of which have offered the complete package fitness, diet and support with dramatic results.

    If you are looking for ‘personal training that works’ Jack Sullivan is the best.
    If you are looking for ’dramatic, quick results’ Jack Sullivan is the best.
    If you are looking for the ‘complete package, fitness, diet advice and 24/7 (well almost) support Jack Sullivan is the best”

  • Amy

    Before i started at the studio i was overweight and didn't do any form of exercise. My sleep patterns were off and my eating eating habits were awful.

    Definitely not having done any exercise was a worry before starting but now i sleep 8 hours a night, I have more energy and I eat more and much more healthy

    The group support - knowing I'm not the only one - Was a huge help!

    I have been attending the studio for over two years and have lost over 3 stone in weight, inches off my body and feel much more confident in my clothes. Energy levels have increased dramatically and I sleep like a baby

    I would like to say a big thank you to Jack and the team - you have always pushed me when I needed and backed off when you know other life commitments have taken over. I will be forever grateful to have met you and joined JS-PT and for anyone who wants to make real changes to there life for the long term then I would highly recommend Jack and the team.

  • Ellie

    Before I started my  sessions I felt unconfident, sluggish, unmotivated and did not consider exercise an enjoyment. I only did cardio now and again and had no idea what the correct exercises were or how to do them.

    I was worried I'd be embarrassed or wouldn't be motivated enough to reach my goal but my initial meeting with Jack put me at ease. He listened to the problems I was having and explained everything throughly and gave plenty of different options for me to think through.

    Not only have I lost the weight and inches I wanted to lose but I have also gained confidence. I now enjoy trying on clothes, I look forward to going out and I have the energy and drive to want to do exercise. Now I do exercise for enjoyment as well as to keep fit. I am no longer on a 'diet' but have learned how to eat healthy while still enjoying meals and having treats which I know I can continue to maintain easily by myself.

    Without Jack I wouldn't have had the knowledge around the correct foods and exercises for me. He is committed in making sure you are on the right track with check ups and sessions as well as looking at your foods.
    He is always motivating and makes sessions enjoyable.

    The team go out of their way to check on how your doing or if there are any struggles your facing and help you resolve them.
    One thing that helped me the most was the logging of my foods and the enjoyable but challenging sessions.

    I have lost around 34lbs and 11.5 inches around my waist and hips. I have so much more energy and now regularly do exercise for enjoyment. Im much more fitter and healthier and feel good about myself and my progress thanks to JSPT Health Studio. I have no stress about any silly diets as I have learnt to eat healthy and sensibly.

    I would recommend JSPT Health Studio to anyone. Jack has helped me with my weight, foods, exercise, energy levels and my confidence. Thanks to the team I now have the knowledge to be able to maintain my foods and fitness by myself.
    I can't thank Jack enough as he has changed my outlook on my eating and exercise and has improved my health and fitness for the better.

  • Nikki

    Before i started I felt frumpy and had low self esteem and not very happy with me or my body

    I also had High anxieties due to suffering with depression for several months before starting

    Now, I feel happier with the way I look, I’m understanding the changes I need to make and how they will come about with what I eat as well as the exercise I undertake

    The Support from Jack and his team, The inspiration and encouragement from everyone in the classes spurs me on to continue to get where I want to be.

    My weight has not reduced greatly but my fitness levels are so much higher than when I started. I don't feel as stressed as I used to, although we're in the process of moving house which may cause a rise in stress levels. My energy is greater. I still ache in places (probably more an age thing). Sleep is okay - not perfect (again a possible age thing).

    I also managed to shift 6.8 inches from my mid -section and 5.73% body fat!

    Thank you Jack and team for your time and patience with me, I probably ask some silly questions, however I appreciate your genuine response to them and helping me feel a welcome and worthy member of your special group.
    Thanks to all the girls and gents who are so friendly and have made my joining of this elite group so easy and comfortable. You all rock x

  • Diane

    I was out of action for 18 months, due to a slipped disk, surgery and recovery time, things were much better but I still had issues with pain in my foot and a loss of feeling in my calf.

    I wanted to get back on my fitness wagon but part of me feels I may have caused my slipped disk by not doing things properly, so I wanted professional advice.

    The pain in my foot has almost disappeared and the feeling and sensation in my calf has come back

    I’ve learnt about my self and understand myself more over the last few weeks, Thanks to Jack.

    I rarely get pain in my foot now, its gone from being the main focus of my day to day life, to me reminding myself that I had pain and then smiling when I realise its not there.

    I came to the studio thinking I was going to start some kind of exercise program, to build up my back and be shown how to do things properly and not injure myself, with the advice and guidance of a personnel trainer, I had put the pain in my foot down to part of the recovery process, however after speaking to me and watching me walk, you picked up on something I had no idea was happening, so I’ve had some sessions with you over the last few months and I can’t believe the difference you've made to the pain I was in, so a big thank you for that :))

    So I'm almost ready to start running again.

  • Nia

    Before i started i was always tired and feeling low, in a never ending circle of faddy diets.

    At first i had worries of embarrassment, lack of confidence and failing.

    I have now changed the way I look at food, making better choices, not on a ‘diet’ any more (word diet is banned) numbers don’t matter its about how you feel and do you like what you see in the mirror !

    The encouragement from the team, the videos, the support, the recipes and the support of the group!

    I have lost a few inches all over, I feel better in myself, exercise is now enjoyable, I know I have a long way to go to my goals but I know it is achievable I also accept there will be set backs but that doesn’t matter I have the strength to pick myself up again, my back ache is a lot better, I no longer need my daily dose of Ibuprofen and co- codamol , my Blood Pressure has improved!

    I haven't progressed since before Christmas but I am ok with that, I am now on the mend and getting back to it. I have really enjoyed the whole experience, I am sad my VIP is at an end but I do plan to continue attending the open sessions. Thank you for changing my life around you and your team Jack are great motivators I feel 20 years younger!

  • Natasha

    "I feel like a different person"

    I was feeling really down and depressed about my lack of fitness and always feeling tired and lethargic before starting.

    I was worried of being so unfit compared to everyone else

    I've discovered now how much I love exercise and how amazing I feel through exercising and being more conscious of what I put in my body.

    Whats Helped? ..... Knowing that the classes are in high demand so I couldn't back out of a booking even if I was feeling particularly tired one day.  Also, how ,duh better I felt afterwards on those days where I didn't feel quite up to it. Also, the food informations and meal plans, my eating has totally altered from before I started the programme as has my sleep and alcohol consumption.


    Whilst I haven't lost a huge amount in weight, my body looks totally different. My clothes fit better or are too big, my stomach has massively toned up along with my arms and legs. I have more energy and stopped suffering with a painful back/hip.

    I'm sleeping better (when I don't have a dodgy shoulder!) and my energy and mood is so much better. I quite literally feel like a different person.

    I love the holistic all round approach that you have created to improving your health. It's not just about getting fit or losing weight, it's about diet, support, getting more sleep, feeling healthier and more energetic and I love the group support in the VIP group from all the other ladies.  It keeps you motivated.  Thank you for the opportunity to change myself for the better and to improve not only my health but my mental wellbeing. X

  • Edyta

    Before starting I was struggling with motivation to become healthy and i suffered with depression which restricted me from doing, I was lethargic and had low self esteem.

    Because of my low confidence in myself, I didn't believe that I was able to achieve what I now have.

    I found happiness in loving how i look and how i felt and finally enjoyed my life and how i looked. I found motivation to finally go shopping and buy clothing that I liked, whereas before I dreaded the thought because of how I looked. Even my family have noticed a change in my behaviour and attitude after my transformation.

    I have lost just under 40lbs and got rid of 10.1 inches from my midsection!

    I have more motivation to look after my wellbeing and I eat much more healthily, but I can still understand the importance of sugar in my diet and i am able to treat myself, without being too restrictive.

    I am more fit, have more energy to do ordinary things and the main result is how my depression has become easier to handle.

    I highly recommend JS-PT Health Studio as it has helped to me to grow and change my life for the better. Many thanks

  • Tarah

    Before Starting I was overweight and unfit. I was very unhappy with how I felt and what I saw in the mirror.

    The fear of failure and also fear of looking silly in front of other people in a class was something that worried me. Since then I have smashed my personal target for my weight loss (32 lbs!), I look and feel much fitter and healthier and I have dropped 2 dress sizes. I feel confident again!

    The overall program has worked for me. The small class sizes were perfect for me. Jack you really made sure i got to the real target for my journey.

    Ive lost weight, I have reached my ideal weight and loads of Inches too! Im Feeling fitter and so much happier. I am happy to have my picture taken now too!

    I just want to say a huge thank you for helping me achieve everything I have since I joined. I am so much happier and am truly grateful to you Jack and your fab team. I shall be encouraging everyone to join a programme and I will be back as I am going to miss the vip classes. Once again, thanks for everything!

  • Paula

    Before i started I was Depressed and felt low.
    I was worried whether or not i would keep it up and keep it going

    But since the start i have Lost weight, lost nearly 6 and a half inches and feel so much better and know I will continue to eat healthy and exercise!

    Exercise and knowing and learning what to eat has been a big help on the way to doing this.
    Not only have i Lost weight but my energy has increased and i am sleeping better.

    Thanks for all the help. It's kick started me into having an exercise regime. Feel so much better for losing weight and actually enjoy exercise!

  • Sharon

    Prior to starting at the studio I felt tired, breathless and unfit and I was constantly suffering with colds. I would often fall asleep in the afternoon when I got home from work. I was constantly hungry and snacking between meals but never feeling full. My mood was really low and I really wanted to change how I felt and looked but didn't know how to, or where to start. I had tried every diet and fitness plan around, and although I had success in the short term with some, I couldn’t maintain the results in the long term and soon put the weight back on, and more.

    I was worried that I wouldn't be able to keep up with everyone in the sessions and that people would judge me for that. I thought that I would have to be strict with my diet and completely cut out foods that I enjoy and avoid social occasions. I was wary about it fitting in with my life, my job, family and studies.

    Pretty much everything has changed for the better since starting. I am more active, my weight and body shape have improved, as well as my mood and I enjoy exercising! 27 lbs has disappeared and 10 inches from my waist and hip. I also have a better understanding of how to eat healthily without having to starve or completely cut out treats and food that I enjoy.

    Whats helped me? Jack and the other instructors, Shane and his nutrition challenges help me to look at things differently and identify ways to keep improving. Also all of the other ladies in the group. Everyone is so supportive and friendly, I have always looked forward to going to the classes

    I've had gradual, steady weight loss equating to 3 dress sizes. Massively increased fitness and energy levels, no more afternoon naps needed, especially as my sleep had improved too! My mood is better and I am generally more positive. I feel stronger and healthier and like I have control of my weight and fitness for the first time in 30 years!

  • Helen

    Before i started i felt unfit, had no energy and wasn’t comfortable in my clothes.  I was struggling to get in to a routine with exercise and healthy eating

    I did think that i would struggle to stick to a plan and lack motivation.

    I have made exercise a part of my daily/weekly routine with the help and motivation of everyone at JSPT, and the support from everyone at JSPT has helped.

    I have more energy and feel fit and healthy. I feel comfortable in my clothes again and have dropped a dress size.

    I have also lost 6.47% body fat, dropped 17lbs and 5.6 inches from my midsection!

    I have had the best results at JSPT, I have done weight watchers and slimming world before and have lost more weight but found it harder to maintain and haven’t gained the fitness that I have at JSPT.

    The support from JSPT Health studio makes it easier to make exercise enjoyable and a part of everyday life.

  • Edd

    Results - Over 6.7% body fat gone, muscle mass increased in 8 weeks!
    Before I started I felt Chubby, lacked energy, lack of motivation and Used to eat late at night.

    I was worried If I would see any positive changes - if the training/diet plan was something I could keep up permanently.

    I have now been introduced to a range of exercises which I wasn’t aware of before Jack shown me - huge benefit.

    I drink a lot more water, I sleep a lot better, and I have stayed in good shape for 6 months (so far!).

    Jack's experience and guidance has been excellent. He is willing to answer any question, and go above and beyond to ensure I hit my results. Jack was pretty much available 24/7 and was willing to build the sessions around my needs.

    I lost 10 pounds in just 8 weeks, dropped over 6.7% body fat, increased muscle mass and through Jack’s guidance I have kept he weight off. I am a lot leaner than I was when I stared. My sleeping pattern has improved (which Jack specifically targets - this hasn’t been the case with other gyms/trainers I have had).

    Jack personalised my training programme to ensure I got the results I wanted. These results have been maintained due to Jack's guidance and motivation. I strongly recommend Jack Sullivan for anyone who would like to reach their goal, and even go beyond! Thanks Jack!

  • Jen

    Before Starting my confidence was very low, i had no energy or motivation. I was fearful i would feel self conscious and that i would struggle to keep up in classes.

    I have lost 17 lbs, 8.5 inches from my mid-section and nearly 10% body fat!!

    My confidence has grown and i have lots more energy. I feel much more educated with regards to my food and exercise.

    The support from other members and the whole team at JS-PT Health Studio was helpful!

    I have absolutely loved my time at JS-PT. Jack and the team have helped me in so many area's.....confidence, energy, strength and most importantly helping me regain control.

    Best thing i ever did!!

  • Rich

    Completed an 8 week program losing 24lb and over 9 inches waist and hips combined, more importantly I feel great, stuck to the food side of things about 80% of the time, continuing with a maintenance program, fully recommend, cheers Jack.

  • Trish

    27lbs gone and 14 inches disappearing!

    Before i started i felt overweight, un-confident and just generally unhappy with the way I looked.

    I’m also 'gym-phobic' so i was a little apprehensive before starting.

    My confidence has boosted, loss of weight resulting dramatic inch loss so happier all round.

    Jack and his team kept me motivated and encouraged me to do things I would never have considered doing before.

    Through losing weight, this has enabled me to increase my fitness goals, and achieve them!! Exercising is a great stress reliever for me. Also i am now sleeping better as a result of better diet.

    I lost 27lbs and 14 inches!


    I've had an excellent 14 months I will never forget.
    I feel like I’ve got some tools for life now.
    All the ladies are very friendly and welcoming, which is a massive help when you’re a newbie! :)


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With 10 years experience of training people of all ages and fitness levels we know no matter how hard you work in the gym, a poor nutrition programme will leave you short of the results you deserve. It’s easy to get confused when it comes to nutrition, separating fact from fiction is a nightmare for most. High protein, zero carbs, low/high fat, meal replacement, no food after 6pm.

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